Fairlington Historical Society Charter #
Revised June 30, 2023 #
I. Purpose
To establish and acknowledge:
The Fairlington Historical Society, hereafter referred to as the “Society”; and
The Society’s general goal to build on the successful historical designation for the Fairlington condominium community, and listing on the Virginia Landmarks Register and the National Register of Historic Places, by (1) educating the community on historic preservation through public meetings, a community Internet web site, an archive of Society records and such activities as deemed appropriate, and (2) encouraging the development of a more cohesive community dedicated to preserving the unique character and historic significance of Fairlington.
II. Functions
The Society shall:
Educate the community on the value of, and methods to maintain, historic preservation by:
Conducting public meetings on historic preservation
Maintaining an Internet web site and an archive of Society records
Encourage the development of a more cohesive community by:
Forming an alliance of the seven condominium association and the Fairlington Citizens Association boards for the express purpose of sharing information and experiences
Preserve the unique character of Fairlington by:
Informing the seven condominium associations and the Fairlington Citizens Association within the Community of common standards of property management and maintenance which support historic preservation.
III. Policies
The scope of the Society’s interests shall include the Fairlington condominium community in Arlington and Alexandria, Virginia;
The Fairlington Historical Society shall be a secular, non-profit, non-partisan, and non-commercial organization that shall be supported by contributions;
The Society shall be organized to conduct activities of interest common to its general mission and shall expend funds for that purpose.
IV. Offices
The principal office of the Society shall be located in Arlington, Virginia.
V. Membership Participants
The Society is strictly a volunteer organization and participation is open to residents, unit owners, former residents, and, by invitation or request, anyone who subscribes to the goal of preserving the historic significance of the Fairlington community.
VI. Board of Trustees
The Fairlington Historical Society participants shall elect a three to five-member Board of Trustees from among themselves. The Board of Trustees will be nominated and elected by a simple majority vote of participants attending the election meeting. Each Trustee shall have a three year term of office. Vacancies shall be filled by a duly noticed election, as per Section XI.
The function of the Board of Trustees shall be: (1) to set general Society policy in matters; (2) to appoint all committee chairs; and (3) to create ad hoc committees as necessary.
VII. Honorary Board of Governors: the Board of Trustees shall invite prominent members of the local community, Federal, State, and/or local officials, representatives of the business, media, historical preservation community, or others at the option of the Board, to serve as members of an Honorary Board of Governors.
VIII. Advisory Committee - Fairlington Condominium Association and Fairlington Citizens Association Board Presidents
With the approval of the Fairlington Condominium Association and the Fairlington Citizens Association Boards, the eight (8) Board Presidents will constitute an Advisory Committee to the Historical Society. The recommendations of the Advisory Committee will not be binding on the Society.
IX. Officers and Election Process
The Board of Trustees will annually select up to five officers from among themselves: including President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and such other officers as necessary.
X. Duties
The President, with the help of the other officers and committees (when appropriate), will:
Develop or update a vision statement that will comprise the goals and objectives of the Society;
Organize, direct and coordinate all Society activities to meet defined goals and objectives; and
Develop the agenda and preside at all meetings of the participants.
The Vice President will:
Advise and assist the President in the execution of his/her responsibilities; and
Execute the functions of the President in his/her absence, or upon his/her resignation.
The Secretary will:
Keep minutes of all general meetings;
Maintain all official correspondence and documents;
Develop or coordinate the development of reports and correspondence as may be assigned by the President or Vice President;
Notify participants of all meetings and activities;
Circulate minutes, agendas, and other pertinent documents;
Conduct elections and annual meetings; and
In coordination with the Treasurer:
Provide any funds collected for the Treasurer and request receipt for the same; and
Serve as second signature if a checking account is established by a majority vote of participants present at a general meeting.
The Treasurer will:
Receive all funds payable to the Society and issue receipt for such funds;
Satisfy financial obligations as duly authorized by the Board of Trustees;
Keep a clear and accurate record of all Society receipts and disbursements;
Maintain a checking account, if authorized by the Board of Trustees, to maintain Society funds and to issue payments, ensuring that the second signature on the account is that of the Secretary;
Present a report on the financial status of Society quarterly or when required by the Board of Trustees; and
Assure that an independent audit of the Society’s books of accounts is conducted each year.
XI. Filling Vacant Positions
When an officer resigns, he/she shall provide a written notice of resignation to the President within two weeks prior to leaving the Society.
In the event the President is the resigning officer, the Vice President another Board member shall assume the President’s responsibilities for the remainder of the term. A new Vice President shall be nominated and elected by participants at the next general meeting.
XII. Committees
Any volunteer may recommend that a committee be formed to develop a specific issue of interest. The Board will then consider the request.
The following committees has been established:
Communications and Education Committee, with the following responsibilities:
Maintain an open line of communications to homeowners and North and South Fairlington Boards, residents and Fairlington civic associations; and
Keep the homeowners/boards informed on the status of Historical activities through board presentations, the web site, newsletters, flyers, community events, workshops, and seminars.
XIII. Meetings
There will be an annual meeting of the Society which will be open to anyone.
Other meetings of the Society will be held as needed and will be open to anyone.
Board Members shall have the authority to conduct other meetings with the results of such meetings reported at Society meetings.
The Charter may be amended at any time by a majority vote of the participants attending any meeting.